Is fresh superior to frozen?
A common question that clients ask is: Are frozen vegetables as nutritious as fresh? A lifelong friend, who recently gave his diet an overhaul and is now seeing amazing results from his workouts,...
View ArticleDon’t Fuel the Fire
This picture exemplifies what NOT to do! Lots of meat, processed meat, and char-grilled. All I see are carcinogens. Take a deep breath. I am not saying that we need to become vegetarian, but turn...
View ArticleGenetically Modified Salmon
I’m an advocate for eating salmon. It’s high in omega 3-fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory and therefore promote good physical and mental health. Omega-3 fatty acids are hard to come by in most...
View ArticleNewly Released “Dirty Dozen”
What a coincidence! I posted last week about Pantry Essentials and my new web page What to Buy that details the foods you should organic,which includes the Dirty Dozen. The Dirty Dozen, compiled by the...
View ArticleStrategies to Eat Organic and Not Break The Bank
I acknowledge that eating organic food will increase your food budget. I firmly believe that you will be making a very improtant investment into your health when you purchase organic food. I also...
View ArticleBetter Bars
A client brought to my attention a new bar by Zone, called the Zone Perfect Simply Zone Bar. She wondered if it was really gluten-free and if it was actually good-for-you. I also came across a new bar...
View ArticleBetter Cereals
Bars and breakfast foods are the two foods that people most commonly ask, “Which is best for me?”. Cereal aisles are notoriously full of junk. With health claims yelling at you from the cereal box,...
View ArticlePizza Night at Home!
Save money and eat better by doing Pizza Night at Home! Yesterday on KVOA I talked about ways to avoid the empty calorie bomb of refined white flour pizza dough with some ideas for the best frozen...
View ArticleBetter Salad Dressing
What’s the best salad dressing? In efforts to answer that common question, I reviewed the options at Sprouts this weekend. Here are some tips for picking out a healthy and tasty salad dressing. Don’t...
View ArticleDirty Dozen Plus, 2013
Each year the Environmental Working Group publishes a list of produce items that are low and high in pesticide residues after standard washing. You can read about their process and details on pesticide...
View ArticleADHD and Pesticides
It’s interesting to think about how pesticides work to fend off pests. These chemicals “work” by attacking the nervous systems of bugs and other pests. How do these neurotoxins affect our nervous...
View ArticleTraditional Salmon Salad
Sara says, “Mom, I want Salmon Salad!” And she can make it herself now too. Traditional Salmon Salad can be made just like tuna salad, and it’s one of our standard weekend lunches because it’s so easy...
View ArticleSpread the Love Challenge
November and December are best known for holidays, stress, friends, family…and eating. This year, your challenge is to spread the good word of clean eating, exercising, controlling stress and most...
View ArticleWhite Turkey Chili
By popular demand I am sharing this recipe with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as my family and friends do. Take advantage of BPA-free lined canned beans to avoid the common hormone disruptor. Print...
View ArticleFall Family Favorites: A Collection of Fantastic Healthy Recipes, Buy Yours...
This isn’t just any cookbook. This cookbook will show you how to shop, how to prep ahead and how to update your own family recipes. Plus, you’ll amaze your family and friends with dishes that are...
View ArticleBest Reusable Water Bottle
Did you know that dehydration is associated with mood swings, fatigue and higher levels of hunger? Often I hear from clients and patients that they didn’t realize how poorly they felt until they began...
View ArticleThanks for Loving Nourishing Results!
I wrote Fall Family Favorites, my first e-cookbook, with you in mind. This cookbook is for anyone wanting to live well, nourish their body, mind and spirit, and savor every bite. Please use this 50%...
View ArticleDefine “Detox”
In the January Challenge, New Ways for Weight Loss, I mentioned eating for enhanced detoxification. While detox diets are trendy, full of hype and tend to conjure up ideas of hokey juice fasts, the...
View ArticleLiving Detoxified
We take our livers for granted. Our liver is constantly working to protect us against chemicals, pesticides, plastics, food additives, and all other toxins we are exposed to. Over time, an overwhelmed...
View ArticleGet Obsessed
Are you a roasted veggies fanatic? I am. Roasted veggies are a quick and delicious way to get more vegetables than you could imagine into your diet. Click here to learn more about Roasted Vegetable...
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